Timetable 00002
時間表 00002
乗務行路表 00002
This is the service schedule for the driver on April 20, 1995, for the limited express “Asashio”, which runs from Fukuchiyama Station via Kyoto Station, turns around at Umekoji, and then enters Kyoto Station again. The following year, in 1996, the limited express train “Asashio” was abolished. The other schedule is for the operator of the special express train heading from Fukuchiyama to Kyoto, and the date of service is unknown.
這是1995年4月20日司機的運行時間表,特急“朝潮”號從福知山站出發,經京都站,在梅小路掉頭,然後再次進入京都站。 1996年,特急“朝潮號”停運。 另一個時刻表是由福知山開往京都的特快列車運營商提供的,運行日期未知。
480mm × 160mm × 4mm
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West Japan Railway Company 西日本旅客鉄道株式会社
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