Timetable 00001
時間表 00001
乗務行路表 00001


Operation schedule for drivers on February 22, 1996. The schedule for the special express train “Super Hakuto” that enters Mukomachi Switchyard from Osaka Station via Kyoto Station, and the schedule for the local train that runs from Mukomachi Switchyard on the San’in Main Line to Sonobe via Kyoto. At that time, Umekoji-Kyoto-Nishi Station and Enmachi Station had not yet opened, so there is no description of those stations.

截至 1996 年 2 月 22 日的駕駛員時間表。 從大阪站經京都站至向町院線的特快列車“超級白兔”的時刻表,以及從山陰本線向日町院線經京都到園部的普通列車的時刻表。 當時,梅小路京都西站和圓町站尚未開通,因此沒有關於這些車站的記錄。


41.5mm × 157mm × 3mm 
paper, plastic
West Japan Railway Company 西日本旅客鉄道株式会社

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